
Multiplier Event Macedonia

ME3: Dissemination and validation workshop EMKICE, MACEDONIA


EMKICE organised ME3: Dissemination and validation workshop.  A very successful multiplier event was organized for the ZeroWaste project on June 3rd 2022 in Hotel Double Tree Hilton Skopje, as part of EU Green Week Skopje.

A total of 95 (46 phiscilly present) international and national participants attended to the event.

Link to the video created from the multiplier event :

With four different panels:

PANEL 1 – EU Funding Opportunities and Challenges for Startup’s, SME’s and Entrepreneurs after covid19 economic recovery period on climate change, circular and green technologies.

PANEL 2 – HE’s challenges in Future Education on Climate Change, Circular Economy and Green Technologies

PANEL 3 – SMEs, Investments and Entrepreneurship on Circular and Green Technologies.

PANEL 4 – Policy Makers and EU Transformation to Circular, Green and Climate Resilient Smart Cities

The initiative for regional collaboration on EU Funds and Grants was accepted after covid19 on Innovations, Entrepreneurship, Investments, Employability, but especially on Environment and Climate issues was accepted by the Policy Makers, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector and Non-Government sector.

Gratitude to Universities and private companies from these cities but most important is the initiative by the Mayors and Deputy Mayors from Municipalities of Aerodrom, Kumanovo, Ohrid, than Tirana, Pristina, Karesi, but also Ljubljana, Maribor, Stara Zagora, Plovdiv, Nis, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Podgorica, Saraevo, Osjek, Zagreb.

The event counted with a total of 43 speakers, from the European Commission-Brussels DG Clima, ZeroWaste consortium, the academia, tpublic sector and local initiatives.

Universities and private companies from these cities most important is the initiative by the Mayors and Deputy Mayors from Municipalities of Aerodrom, Kumanovo, Ohrid, than Tirana, Pristina, Karesi, but also Ljubljana, Maribor, Stara Zagora, Plovdiv, Nis, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Podgorica, Saraevo, Osjek, Zagreb.

Evaluated IQs:

  • IQ1: Baseline report, innovative curriculum and training modules for adult educators
  • IQ2:Development of the ICT related resources and toolbox to support pilot training
  • IQ3: European Zero-Waste Handbook wirh Entrepreneurship Manual


Beside evaluation of the project results and main intellectual outputs the key topics of the event were Climate change, Green Technologies, Circular Economy, ZeroWaste Concept, Smart Cities, Funds and Grants in EU up to 2027.

Prior to the event, there were several bilateral info days in companies and municipalities and unique involvement of kindergarten for recycling materials exhibition at the Macedonian National Gallery made by kids financed by Zero Waste Project and reached 2000 families from which 200 kids directly involved.

During the hybrid event, the around 95 participants (46 phicilly present) had a chance to exchange oppinion and views, to see the project results and experience, including the content of two of the project’s modules and the dissemination, to promote zero-waste and the circular economy.

After the multinational event in Skopje and Mayors meetings the ZeroWaste consortium partners went to Ohrid and Struga. The meetings with Mayors of the Municipalities will also make a significant contribution to the establishment of cooperation in the fields of zero waste smart cities, waste reduction and waste evaluation.

The networking and dissemination were fruitful and well covered in 12 countries.

The feedbacks obtained revealed that the project reached its target with the outputs produced.

In addition to that, a very successful multiplier event was organized for the ZeroWaste project on June 3rd 2022 in Hotel Double Tree Hilton Skopje, as part of
EU Green Week Skopje.

With four different panels:
PANEL 1 – EU Funding Opportunities and Challenges for Startup’s, SME’s and Entrepreneurs after covid19 economic recovery period on climate change, circular and green technologies.
PANEL 2 – HE’s challenges in Future Education on Climate Change, Circular Economy and Green Technologies
PANEL 3 – SMEs, Investments and Entrepreneurship on Circular and Green Technologies.
PANEL 4 – Policy Makers and EU Transformation to Circular, Green and Climate Resilient Smart Cities

The event counted with a total of 43 speakers, from the European Commission-Brussels DG Clima, ZeroWaste consortium, the academia, public sector and local initiatives.

The initiative for regional collaboration on EU Funds and Grants was accepted after covid19 on Innovations, Entrepreneurship, Investments, Employability, but especially on Environment and Climate issues was accepted by the Policy Makers, Higher Education Institutions, Private Sector and Non-Government sector.

Gratitude to Universities and private companies from these cities but most important is the initiative by the Mayors and Deputy Mayors from Municipalities of Aerodrom, Kumanovo, Ohrid, Tirana, Pristina, Karesy, but also Ljubljana, Maribor, Stara Zagora, Plovdiv, Nis, Novi Sad, Belgrade, Podgorica, Saraevo, Osjek, Zagreb.

Key topics of the event:
Climate change, Green Technologies, Circular Economy, ZeroWaste Concept, Smart Cities, Funds and Grants in EU up to 2027
Key focus of the event:
International Collaboration and Networking in terms of consortium building for the next upcoming EU Funding calls in 2022 and 2023 under Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe programs
Key dissemination at the event:
Project Building Adult Competences in Zero Waste Circular Economy in Europe
Key message of the event:
(Closing remarks and report from the event)

Short video from the event:

During the hybrid event, the around 95 participants had a chance to exchange opinion and views, to see the project results and experience, including the content of two of the project’s modules and the dissemination, to promote zero-waste and the circular economy.

AGENDA of 3rd TPM (Hybrid) 03th June, 2022 Skopje, Macedonia, (Barcode Invitations only)

Arrivals: 2nd June, Thursday
Venue: Hotel DoubleTree Hilton, Skopje, Host: Macedonia,

Guests from: Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Serbia, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Holland, Turkey



 Under project:

“Building Adult Competences in Zero Waste Circular Economy in Europe (Zero-Waste)

EU Green Week Event
8:30-9:15h – Arrival and Networking coffee
9:15-10:00 PANEL 1 – EU Funding Opportunities and Challenges for Startup’s, SME’s and Entrepreneurs after covid19 economic recovery period on climate change, circular and green technologies.

Ms. Julia B. C. Moreira, SwIdeas AB, Malmo, Sweden, Moderator

Mr.Timco Mucunski, Mayor of Aerodrom Municipality

Ms.Dr.Katerina Fortun Policy Analyst, Climate Change, European Commission

Mr.Ilija Vuckov – EU Climate Pact Ambassador DG CLIMA, presenting

EUGreenDeal, Climate Missions & Horizon Europe Calls 22/2023

Dr.Andrijana Cvetkovikj Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology-Tokio; former Ambassador of the Republic of Macedonia in Japan

Prof.Dr.Kemal Celik, Idapolis Technopark at Canakale, Turkey

Dr.Zoran Atanasov, Coordinator at Government Institute for Accreditation

Mr.Genci Kojdheli, Director of Strategic Projects Municipality of Tirana

Prof Dr. Darina Zaimova, Trakya University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria

Mr.Marko Milenkovic, Regional Center for Development & Promotion, Serbia

EU opportunities and Challenges Panel
10:00-11:00   PANEL 2 – HE’s challenges in Future Education on Climate Change, Circular Economy and Green Technologies

Prof.Dr.Ljubomor Kekenovski, Faculty of Economics – UKIM, Moderator

Prof.Dr.Bedriye Tunçsiper, Rector Izmir Democracy University

Dr.Óscar Belmonte FUE-UJI, University of Jaume I, Castellon, Spain Director of the Cuatroochenta Chair in Artificial Intelligence, Health and Wellbeing and Research group on Machine Learning for Smart Environments.

Prof.Dr. Ergun Demir, University of Balikesir, Turkey

Dr.Patricia Scherer University of Gent and Cadmus Group, Belgium

Prof.Dr.Zuzana Palkova, Slovenská Poľnohospodárska Univerzita v NItre, Slovakia

Dr. Orjon Rroji, European University Tirana, Albania

Prof.Dr. Katarinu Baralić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Pharmacy

  MSc. Kiril Arsovski, Institute of Communication Studies – IKS

Higher Education Institutions Panel
10:00-11:00 PANEL 3 – SMEs, Investments and Entrepreneurship on Circular and Green Technologies.

Moderator, MSc Anita Spasovska,

Mr. Trajan Angelovski, President of Macedonian Chamber of Commerce

Dr. Cedomir Radovic, Senior Research Associate, Institute Zemun-Director

Mr.Matej Rus, Venture Faktory PODIM, Slovenia

Mr.Hristijan Trajkovski, KampingMK

Mr. Orce Tancev, Duki Daso Company

Mr. Boris Stavrov, TelelinkMK

Mr.Martin Sinadinov, BIOTEK Lab

Prof.Dr. Marijana Curcic United Nation Industrial Development Organisation e-waste

Mr.Vadim Roshmanov, PhD,  AMOR,  Bulgaria

Private sector Panel
11:00  Coffee brake  
11:15-12:15 PANEL 4Policy Makers and EU Transformation to Circular, Green and Climate Resilient Smart Cities , Moderator: Ms Beba Tanaskovic

Mr. Timco Mucunski, Mayor of Municipality of Aerodrom, Macedonia

Ms. Julia B. C. Moreira, SwIdeas AB, Env.Waste EU Policy and Legal frame

Mr. Maksim Dimitrievski, Mayor of Municipality of Kumanovo, Macedonia

Mr. Dincer Orkan, Mayor of Karesi Municipality, Turkey

Mr. Anuela Ristani Deputy Mayor of Tirana, Albania

Mr. Alban Zogaj, the Deputy Mayor of Pristina, Kosovo

Mr. Kiril Pecakov, Mayor of Ohrid, Macedonia

Mr.Vlatko Danailov CMC, MCA 2000 Board Member, WB Evaluation Network

Ms. Katerina Klimovska ISLAA, Skopje, Macedonia

Mayors – Policy makers Panel
12:15-12:30    Closing Remarks from all Panels and conclusion report

Presentation Panels from Examples, Case Studies, Researchers from HE’s and Private Sector  Mr.Ilija Vuckov–moderator

Closing remarks


Branch Cocktail

Press & Media session

Special guests, the youngest climate and zero waste aware citizens in our societies – The World of Colors

Specific Protocol


Key topics of the event:

Climate change, Green Technologies, Circular Economy, ZeroWaste Concept, Smart Cities, Funds and Grants in EU up to 2027

Key focus of the event:

International Collaboration and Networking in terms of consortium building for the next upcoming EU Funding calls in 2022 and 2023 under Erasmus+ and Horizon Europe programs

Key dissemination at the event:

Project Building Adult Competences in Zero Waste Circular Economy in Europe

Key message of the event:

(Closing remarks and report from the event)


To create project application consortiums and apply at least 4 projects in Q3Q4 2022/Q1 2023

4th June 2022, Saturday

TP in Struga, Hotel Drim, (Invitations Only)

Host: Macedonia,

Guests from: Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Serbia, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Holland, Turkey

Opening Session
08:00 – 08:45 Welcome by Emkice Ms.Anita Spasovska and By IDU Ass.Prof.Nurdan Erdogan

Short discussion about last developments, coordination and finalizing the project

EMKICE and coordinator IDU
Partners’ presentations work done for this project ZeroWaste All partners by 5min
08:45-08:55 Presentation of the Quality Control and Dissemination Reports BAUN and Karesi Municipality
Review of the Intellectual Outputs and Mes
08:55-09:10   IQ1: Baseline report and innovative training curriculum

(Start/End Date:31.12.2020/31.05.2022)

09:10-09:20   Q1A3-Zero Waste CE training curriculum and training course for adult educators

(Start/End Date: 01.06.2021-31.03.2022)









  Presentations of the final versions of the Modules
  Module 1: Zero Waste introduction & principles IDU
  Module 2: Circular economy & Smart waste under the Zero Waste concept EMKICE
  Module 3: Smart cities & Zero Waste concept KARESI
  Module 4: Reduce SPU
  Module 5: Reuse BAUN
  Module 6: Recycling FUE-UJI
  Module 7: Legislation at EU and national levels SWIDEAS
till 10:15 Coffee Break host
10:15-10:25  Q1A4- Waste education guide for adult educators and teachers:

         (Start/End date: 01.04.2022-31.05.2022)




10:25-10:45  IQ2-Development of the ICT related resources and toolbox support for the pilot training

 Q2A1– Development of the ICT related resources – training portal and software tools

         (Start/End Date:31.12.2020-31.05.2022)

10:45-10:55 Q2A2-Zero Waste Circular Economy Adult Training ToolBox

          (Start/End date: 01.11.2021-31.05.2022)

Final version of the ToolBox



10:55-11:05 Q2A3-Policy Library: Latest European policies on zero waste CE, policy advice from partners and stakeholders

         (Start/End date: 01.06.2022-30.09.2022)

Draft version of th Policy Library

11:05-11:15 Q3A1- Entrepreneurship Manual for zero waste CE

      (Start/End date: 01.03.2022-31.07.2022)

Draft version of the Manual

11:15-11:25 Presentation of the Multiplier Event Strategy

Methodology and templates for reporting

11:25-11:45 Planning future activities, next steps and closing session Host and All partners
12:00-13:00 Meeting with Mayor of Ohrid Mr Kiril Pecakov

Host: Macedonia,

Guests from: Sweden, Spain, Slovakia, Serbia, Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Holland, Turkey

All partners only and special invitation
13:15-15:00 Second part: Guide, Exploring Ohrid, Lunch break with Agenda No2. All partners only and special invitation
14:00-20:00 13h-20h Tourist guide tour – Exploring Ohrid

Boat on the Ohrid Lake

*Drinks, Lunch and Dinner are planned in the agenda

Sleep over night 4th/5th June in Struga/Ohrid

All partners only and special invitation
 5th June 2022, Sunday


Departure from Ohrid to Bitola, (**visiting Museum)

Lunch on a relaxing place and famous Winery in the Tikves region 12h at

Departure to Skopje for those who should be at airport

**We will organize according the partners travel arrangements and flights time

All partners only and special invitation
Useful links:

Hotels: Each partner makes his arrangements for travel and accommodation with our assistance or we are making group reservation.

(1 night sleep over accommodation 2nd June and Venue DAY1 3rd June 2022)

(2 nights’ accommodation 3rd / 4th and 4th /5th Venue DAY2 4th June 2022)

Note: Presentation info desks and materials, all day available to the event:

–        EU Climate Pact Initiative

–        EU Green Deal

–        Stakeholders info desks (sectors: Private, HEs, Policy, NGOs)

*Event in Skopje will be recorded, shared to local, regional media and social networks (media package)



Limak Skopje Luxury Hotel

Park Hotel & Spa

Bushi Resort & SPA


(2 nights’ accommodation on 3rd and on 4th and venue DAY2 4th June 2022)

** For Accommodation in Struga/Ohrid you can chose any other hotel you would prefer and we will organize the local transport to the Venue Hotel and other parts of the agenda.

*** Please bear in mind that in June in Ohrid city it is the touristic season and it could be logistically a nightmare.

Stay Connected
